Welcome to BAAM Teams! Here, you’ll find your club members who will be your teammates for the piano group. Being in a team offers many special opportunities: you’ll get to play ensemble pieces together, enjoy being with others in a similar age group and skill level, provide and receive peer aid and teaching, practice together, and have playdates. You can connect throughout the week, no matter where you are, and even concertize together.

Current Teams

SENIOR YOUTH TEAM (Grades 7 to 12, RCM 7-12)
Meets on Sundays, Plus Digital Meetups
MIDDLE KIDS TEAM (Grades 4 to 6, RCM 5-9)
Meets on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Sundays
JUNIOR 2 KIDS TEAM (Grades 2 to 5, RCM 3-5)
Meets on Mondays, Wednesdays, Sundays
JUNIOR 1 KIDS TEAM (Grades 1 to 3)
Meets on Saturdays
JUNIOR 0 KIDS TEAM (Grades PRE to 2)
Meets on Saturdays