- Vivian Jiang received the Gold Medal at the Virtuoso Artists Festival, 2024
- Anabelle Lo received the Gold Medal at the Virtuoso Artists Festival, 2024
- Kaden Nguyen received the Gold Medal at the Virtuoso Artists Festival, 2024
- Kaysie Nguyen received Honorary Mention at the Virtuoso Artists Festival, 2024
- Vivian Jiang was selected to perform solo at IASAS Showcase, 2024
- Sophie Hu won the Silver Medal at the Virtuoso Artists Festival, 2023
- Anabelle Lo won the Silver Medal at the Virtuoso Artists Festival, 2023
- Isabel Kaempfer received Honorary Mention at the Performing Arts Festival of Eastside, 2023
- Lena Fujita received Honorary Mention at the Performing Arts Festival of Eastside, 2023
- Isabel Kaempfer won the Silver Medal at the Russian Chamber Music Festival, 2022
- Anabelle Lo won the Silver Medal at the Seattle Bach Festival, 2022
- Lena Fujita won the Silver Medal at the Seattle Bach Festival, 2022
- Sophie Hu received Honorary Mention at the Seattle Bach Festival, 2022
- Amber Sun received Honorary Mention at the Seattle Bach Festival, 2022
- Sophie Hu won the Gold Medal at the Virtuoso Artists Festival, 2022
- Anabelle Lo won the Silver Medal at the Virtuoso Artists Festival, 2022
- Roy Kim won the Silver Medal at the Virtuoso Artists Festival, 2022
- Alex Kim won the Bronze Medal at the Virtuoso Artists Festival, 2022
- Vivian Jiang won the Silver Medal at the Classical Viennese Festival, 2022
- Claire Jiang won the Bronze Medal at the Classical Viennese Festival, 2022
- Anabelle Lo won the Bronze Medal at the Classical Viennese Festival, 2022
- Isabel Kaempfer received Honorary Mention in the Concerto Division, PAFE, 2022
- Roy Kim won the Bronze Medal at the Chopin Northwest Piano Competition, 2022
- Lena Fujita won the Gold Medal at the Russian Chamber Music Festival, 2021
- Lucas Kim won the Silver Medal at the Russian Chamber Music Festival, 2021
- Alex Kim won the Bronze Medal at the Russian Chamber Music Festival, 2021
- Anabelle Lo won the Bronze Medal at the Russian Chamber Music Festival, 2021
- Roy Kim won the Bronze Medal at the Russian Chamber Music Festival, 2021
- Serena Kim won the Bronze Medal at the Russian Chamber Music Festival, 2021
- Isabel Kaempfer won the Silver Medal at the Seattle Bach Festival, 2021
- Claire Jiang won the Bronze Medal at the Seattle Bach Festival, 2021
- Sophie Hu won the Bronze Medal at the Seattle Bach Festival, 2021
- Lena Fujita won the Gold Medal at the Virtuoso Artists Festival, 2021
- Anabelle Lo won the Silver Medal at the Virtuoso Artists Festival, 2021
- Sophie Hu won the Silver Medal at the Virtuoso Artists Festival, 2021
- Claire Jiang won the Silver Medal at the Virtuoso Artists Festival, 2021
- Isabel Kaempfer won the Silver Medal at the Virtuoso Artists Festival, 2021
- Vivian Jiang won the Silver Medal at the Virtuoso Artists Festival, 2021
- Vivian Jiang won Second Place at the Performing Arts Festival of Eastside, 2021
- Isabel Kaempfer won Second Place at the Performing Arts Festival of Eastside, 2021
- Anabelle Lo won the Gold Medal at the Classical Viennese Festival, 2021
- Vivian Jiang won the Gold Medal at the Classical Viennese Festival, 2021
- Claire Jiang received Honorable Mention at the Classical Viennese Festival, 2021
- Sophie Hu received Honorable Mention at the Classical Viennese Festival, 2021
- Isabel Kaempfer received Honorable Mention at the Classical Viennese Festival, 2021
- Vivian Jiang won the Gold Medal and Scholarship at the Chopin Northwest Piano Competition, 2021
- Anabelle Lo won the Silver Medal at the Russian Chamber Music Festival, 2020
- Vivian Jiang won the Silver Medal at the Russian Chamber Music Festival, 2020
- Claire Jiang won the Bronze Medal at the Russian Chamber Music Festival, 2020
- Serena Kim won the Bronze Medal at the Russian Chamber Music Festival, 2020
- Claire Liu won the Gold Medal at the Seattle Bach Festival, 2020
- Vivian Jiang won the Gold Medal at the Seattle Bach Festival, 2020
- Sophie Hu won the Silver Medal at the Seattle Bach Festival, 2020
- Claire Jiang received Honorable Mention at the Seattle Bach Festival, 2020
- Isabel Kaempfer received Honorable Mention at the Seattle Bach Festival, 2020
- Amelie Calamia received Honorable Mention at the Seattle Bach Festival, 2020
- Anabelle Lo won the Gold Medal at the Virtuoso Artist’s Festival, 2020
- Sophie Hu won the Gold Medal at the Virtuoso Artist’s Festival, 2020
- Isabel Kaempfer received Honorable Mention at the Virtuoso Artist’s Festival, 2020
- Isabel Kaempfer won the Silver Medal at the Chopin Northwest Piano Competition, 2020
- Isabel Kaempfer won the Silver Medal at the Virtuoso Festival, 2019
- Vivian Jiang won the Gold Medal at the Virtuoso Festival, 2019
- Sharat Dhananjayah received Honorable Mention at the Virtuoso Festival, 2019
- Isabel Kaempfer won First Place at the Performing Arts Festival of the Eastside, 2019
- Vivian Jiang, selected as a finalist at the Steinway Junior Piano Competition, 2019
- Isabel Kaempfer won the Late Elementary Division, Piano Marvel Competition, 2019
- Vivian Jiang won the Silver Medal at the Classical Viennese Festival, 2019
- Isabel Kaempfer won the Silver Medal at the Chopin Northwest Piano Competition, 2019
- Berry Chen won the Bronze Medal at the Russian Chamber Music Festival, 2018
- Vivian Jiang won the Silver Medal at the Virtuoso Festival, 2018
- Sharat Dhananjayah received Honorable Mention at the Virtuoso Festival, 2018
- William Zhu won the Silver Medal at the Virtuoso Festival, 2018
- Vivian Jiang won the Gold Medal at the Performing Arts Festival of the Eastside, 2018
- Vivian Jiang won the Silver Medal at the Classical Viennese Festival, 2018
- Vivian Jiang won the Silver Medal at the Chopin Northwest Piano Competition, 2018
- Mei-Lan Uyeno received Honorable Mention at the Russian Chamber Music Festival, 2017
- Vivian Jiang won the Bronze Medal at the Virtuoso Festival, 2017
- Vivian Jiang won the Gold Medal at the Classical Viennese Festival, 2017
- Isabel Kaempfer won the Junior Division, Piano Marvel Competition, 2017
- William Zhu won 2nd place at the Performing Arts Festival of the Eastside, 2017
Royal Conservatory of Music
Recognition with Distinction
- Mei-Lan Uyeno was awarded First Class Honors with Distinction (94%) in RCM Basic Rudiments
- William Zhu was awarded First Class Honors with Distinction (99%) in RCM Basic Rudiments
- Sharat Dhananjayah was awarded First Class Honors with Distinction (98%) in RCM Basic Rudiments
- Antonia Berndt was awarded First Class Honors with Distinction (92%) in RCM Basic Rudiments
- Isabel Kaempfer was awarded First Class Honors with Distinction (100%) in RCM Grade 8 Theory
- Isabel Kaempfer was awarded First Class Honors with Distinction (91%) in RCM ARCT Harmony & Counterpoint
- Isabel Kaempfer was awarded First Class Honors with Distinction (95%) in RCM ARCT Analysis
- Isabel Kaempfer was awarded First Class Honors with Distinction (93%) in RCM Grade 10 History
- Sophie Hu was awarded First Class Honors with Distinction (92%) in RCM Grade 5 Theory
- Kaysie Nguyen was awarded First Class Honors with Distinction (94%) in RCM Grade 5 Theory
- Lena Fujita was awarded First Class Honors with Distinction (94%) in RCM Grade 5 Theory